Categoría: MysteryShopper
I hired a barista and she’s an amazing employee. Problem is, her ‘attitude’ seems to be driving away customers.
I own a successful coffee shop. I have one employee, a talented barista, who does everything I ask of her. She arrives on time, works extra shifts and is clean and polite to customers.
How to make a little extra money without getting a new job
Short on cash? There are many ways to make small irregular amounts of money, if you are willing to put the time and creativity into finding opportunities that literally pay off. The first thought that comes to mind when you think of making extra money is working overtime or taking an extra job. But there…
Customer Service Draws 57% Of Shoppers To Traditional Retailers
Shoppers still enjoy the in-store shopping experience: 46% prefer to make purchases in a physical store, compared to 35% on laptops and 18% through mobile devices, according to the Shopper-First Retailing report by Salesforce and PublicisSapient. The study drew on a multi-country survey of 6,000 consumers, e-Commerce shopping data and mystery shopper audits. One key…
Llegó a la Argentina Rocketpin, la app que te paga por ser mistery shopper
Ir a un comercio, realizar una compra y evaluar el servicio de atención. Así podría resumirse la función de un mistery shopper (comprador misterioso), contratados por empresas para esa actividad. Rocketpin importó a la Argentina su modelo: una app que permite a cualquier persona convertirse en un agente, cumplir misiones y ganar dinero. Rocketpin llama…
Mystery Shopping Company Receives Top 5-Star Rating from
Mystery Shopping, also known as «secret shopping», allows businesses such as restaurants, retail stores, and movie theaters to get objective information on the day-to-day customer experience at their locations.
How Technology Is Changing the Mystery Shopper World for SMBs
Implementing best practice policies, employing experienced managers and being hands-on all go a long way toward managing quality assurance,
Keep the “Secret” in “Secret Shopper”
When you become a secret shopper, you may want to tell everyone you know about your cool new job.
5 reasons to become a mystery shopper
If mystery shoppers conjures up the image of trench coats and dark glasses trawling the supermarket aisles inspecting things, then think again!
How retailers can analyse its customer’s shopping trends
If mystery shoppers conjures up the image of trench coats and dark glasses trawling the supermarket aisles inspecting things, then think again!
Using Mystery Shopping Alongside Advanced Technology
In today’s fast-paced business world, it could be difficult to gauge the success of your sales employees and the satisfaction of your customers.